Monday, April 02, 2007


Picked up some digitally remastered work from Plaid's alter ego yesterday. "The Black Dog" made up of the Plaid lads Ken Downie along with Ed Handley and Andy Turner, resorted to having to start their own label as their releases weren't getting backed. Resulting in "Black Dog Productions". Their first album Bytes was releasd on Warp Records. The progression of Plaid however seen Ed and Andy brake away to work full time on their creation. Ken Downie was left to take it easy with his own creation for a while, until he then joined up with Richard and Martin Dust, owners of the label "Dust Science Recordings" and released several more ep's and single's.

The Black Dog- Techno Playtime-
The Black Dog- Parallel-

Dunno how to hyperlink on these macs.

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